Enrollment is now open! For 12 participants only. Apply now.
This is a content-rich, immersive 12-week course for the rising womxn of color authority: emerging visionary leaders, activists, healers, and social and spiritual entrepreneurs that have been marginalized & underrepresented for far too long. Womxn who are done with the gender & racial disparity & ready to fully step outside of the cultural norms & traditional roles assigned to her.
Stand in your authority, raise your visionary voice & finally bring your message into the mainstream!
Stand in your authority, raise your visionary voice & finally bring your message into the mainstream!
woman-identifying black, indigenous leaders of color are rising strong. A steady stream of vibrant, diverse, female voices are speaking up and making big waves while doing so!
There is a groundswell of richly diverse, purpose-filled womxn challenging intersectionality & rising into groundbreaking leadership roles, regardless of race, sexuality, physical ability, religion, class or gender identity.
Womxn with a desire to truly live their authentic soul expression: writing their biographies, sharing their stories, spotlighting their art, starting their soul-centered businesses, speaking up at protests & rallies, and doing work that is a genuine reflection of their purpose on this planet, in lieu of appeasing societal conventions & meeting familial expectations.
And YOU have a rightful & equitable place in the shifting landscape of female trailblazers.
It is time to embody your self-authority. It is time to Pick Your Platform & Raise Your Voice!
Civil rights activist Audre Lord said: When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid."
The world needs to hear from black, indigenous womxn of color more than ever right now. Be bold in sharing your narrative. Be heard.
Don't wait until your message is perfected or validated. Actually, what resonates more with humanity are the ones that show up fully with their imperfections & flaws, to change status quo, with the vulnerability & authenticity of who they are.
Take a stand for the true message encoded inside of you instead of softening, tweaking, or toning it down to suit the mainstream audience or to fit societal stereotypes.
The time is now to come out of the comfort of your old stories or the traditional female roles assigned to you.
Join the surge of strong BIWOC womxn showing up boldly & passionately into positions of influence in service to others & their true selves.
There is a groundswell of richly diverse, purpose-filled womxn challenging intersectionality & rising into groundbreaking leadership roles, regardless of race, sexuality, physical ability, religion, class or gender identity.
Womxn with a desire to truly live their authentic soul expression: writing their biographies, sharing their stories, spotlighting their art, starting their soul-centered businesses, speaking up at protests & rallies, and doing work that is a genuine reflection of their purpose on this planet, in lieu of appeasing societal conventions & meeting familial expectations.
And YOU have a rightful & equitable place in the shifting landscape of female trailblazers.
It is time to embody your self-authority. It is time to Pick Your Platform & Raise Your Voice!
- Do you currently yearn for clarity around a message or narrative that is struggling to be voiced?
- Is there a passion you have long held, but kept guarded & you wish you could share it with the world in a more visible way AND with authority?
- Do you feel held back or suppressed around speaking up, for fear of backlash or criticism?
- Does your vision at times feel squashed or over-powered by the dominant race?
Civil rights activist Audre Lord said: When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid."
The world needs to hear from black, indigenous womxn of color more than ever right now. Be bold in sharing your narrative. Be heard.
Don't wait until your message is perfected or validated. Actually, what resonates more with humanity are the ones that show up fully with their imperfections & flaws, to change status quo, with the vulnerability & authenticity of who they are.
Take a stand for the true message encoded inside of you instead of softening, tweaking, or toning it down to suit the mainstream audience or to fit societal stereotypes.
The time is now to come out of the comfort of your old stories or the traditional female roles assigned to you.
Join the surge of strong BIWOC womxn showing up boldly & passionately into positions of influence in service to others & their true selves.
This course is tailor-made for you, if:
- You are finally ready to get crystal clear on articulating your message & crafting a narrative (signature talk) that is a soul-expression of who you are
- You’re ready to share your message with a wider audience
- You are ready to be recognized & identifiable as a leading expert in your field
- You are ready to attract speaking opportunities at a womxn’s conference, the TEDx Stage, radio, TV or podcasts
- You are tired of being marginalized or passed over and fully ready to move through the road blocks around visibility
- You have a personal narrative that can break the mold around gender stereotypes & racial inequality
In this 12-week "Pick Your Platform & Raise Your Voice" course, you can expect to:
- Get absolutely & conclusively clear & define your message, narrative & position of influence
- Learn how to take a bold stand & articulate that message into a well-crafted signature talk that you can then re-purpose & re-use for multiple platforms & events
- Learn how to filter through the various online, digital & traditional platforms & how to pick the platform that fits you
- Learn how to leverage speaking to enhance your business or expertise
- Learn the insider secrets to a successful pitch that event organizers & curators look for
- Learn how to position yourself as a media expert in order to amplify your female authority & message
- Create a manageable action plan to make you more identifiable & get you on the stage, a speaking engagement or interview ASAP
- Master your presentation, public speaking, & media interview skills & fully step into your self-authority
- Receive soulful support & guidance of your personal process that will help you shift any emotional blocks that come up as you write, deliver & pitch your message/talk
This course includes:
- *10 (ten) one-hour, online live coaching classes that can be attended from anywhere in the world
- One-on-one editorial support & guidance to sharpen your talk & set you up for a successful radio/TV/podcast interview, speaking engagement, or signature talk
- An additional one-hour, private Zoom mastermind session with me to polish your delivery & receive valuable real-time feedback & guidance
- Guided intuitive writing prompts to help you build & succinctly articulate & clarify your message
- An online, private support circle to help you stay energized, accountable and fully in process
And these Bonuses
- Unlimited email access & support to answer questions or move through roadblocks that come up, in between coaching calls
- And a chance to receive the guest spotlight on my podcast, helping you reach a wider audience
*The one-hour online coaching classes & Q&A calls can be joined from anywhere in the world & from the comfort of your own home
Are you ready, sister? Apply NOW at link above!